
历史沿革Historical Development

江南体育竞技 是国内历史最悠久、最具影响力的哲学院系之一。学院始于1922年9月武汉大学前身武昌高等师范学院创建的教育哲学系。1956年夏,武汉大学重建哲学系,李达校长兼任哲学系主任。1994年2月成立社会学系,与哲学系合署办公。1996年12月成立江南电竞官网客服电话 。1997年3月社会学系从江南电竞官网客服电话 分离出去。1999年4月江南电竞官网客服电话 并入人文科学学院,保留哲学系和宗教学系。2003年8月恢复江南电竞官网客服电话 。2005年4月江南电竞官网客服电话 增设心理学系。目前,学院综合实力和整体水平在全国名列前茅,在近几年国际QS排名中,均在世界前100位,2022年位列世界第46位。

The School of Philosophy at Wuhan University is one of the oldest and most influential philosophy departments in China. It dates back to September 1922, when the Wuchang Higher Teachers College (the predecessor of Wuhan University) first created the Department of Educational Philosophy. In the summer of 1956, the department underwent significant reconstruction under the auspices of Wuhan University President Li Da, who also served as the Chairperson of the Department of Philosophy. The next major phase of reconstruction occurred in the 1990s. In February 1994, the Department of Philosophy played an integral role in founding the Department of Sociology, which evolved to become an independent department in its own right in March 1997. The School of Philosophy (as it is now known) was then founded in December 1996, and in April 1999, it was merged into the School of Humanities, alongside the Department of Religion. By August 2003, the School of Philosophy was restored as an independent institutional entity, and in April 2005 the Department of Psychology was created by and incorporated into the School of Philosophy, and the School of Philosophy has retained that structure up to the present day. As of 2018, the school exhibits comprehensive cross-disciplinary strength and ranks amongst the very best departments in the country, as well as internationally. Wuhan University’s School of Philosophy is consistently ranked amongst the top 100philosophy departments worldwide by QS,rankedas the46thin 2022.
