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国际会议征文:The Foundations of Morality,October 21-23, 2011Wuhan University

点击次数:  更新时间:2011-07-28

The Foundations of Morality

Call for Papers

October 21-23, 2011


Conference Organizers: Hao Changchi and Kelly James Clark

If moral judgments are true and false, what explains their truth or falsity? Perhaps no informative explanation can be given as to what makes moral judgments true. Perhaps all moral judgments are false. Perhaps we can account for the correctness of moral judgments in terms of, say, human desires, human nature, or God's commands.

Keynote Speakers

Mark C. Murphy

Fr. Joseph T. Durkin, SJ Professor of Philosophy


Professor Murphy works in ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law, and philosophy of religion. He is the author of Natural Law and Practical Rationality (Cambridge, 2001), An Essay on DivineAuthority (Cornell, 2002), Natural Law in Jurisprudence and Politics (Cambridge, 2006), and Philosophy of Law: The Fundamentals (Blackwell, 2006). He is editor of Alasdair MacIntyre (Cambridge, 2003), and is the book review editor for the journal Ethics. During the 2009-2010 academic year he was the Plantinga Fellow at Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion, where he completed a book manuscript, Theistic Explanation of Moral Law.

Christian Miller

Zachary T. Smith Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor of Philosophy


Professor Miller's main areas of research are meta-ethics, moral psychology, action theory, and philosophy of religion, and his work has appeared or is forthcoming in such journals as No?s, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophical Studies,Philosophical Psychology, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, The Journal of Ethics, Social Theory and Practice, The Journal of Philosophical Research, The European Journal of Philosophy, andOxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion. He is the editor of Essays in the Philosophy of Religion (Oxford University Press) and the book review editor of the Journal of Moral Philosophy,and is currently editing The Continuum Companion to Ethics (Continuum Press). He has also begun work on a monograph entitled A New Theory of Character, which articulates a new framework for thinking about character that is both conceptually coherent and empirically supported by research in social psychology.

Western Presenters

Japa Pallikkathayil, New York University

Kelly James Clark, Calvin College

Scott Davison, Morehead States University

Karen Stohr, Georgetown University

Tim Mawson, Oxford University

Kyla Ebels Duggan, Northwestern University

Pamela Hieronymi, UCLA


Chinese scholars should submit papers for consideration bySept. 15, 2011to


Language of submission is English

Papers will be fairly evaluated by a committee of Chinese scholars

Seven-nine Chinese papers will be accepted; we will pay travel and room and board

The student session is byinvitation only;students shouldnotsubmit papers

We will notify successful presenters by October 1, 2011
