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Two Faculty Positions

点击次数:  更新时间:2014-07-14

Two Faculty Positions

School of Philosophy, Wuhan University

Applications are solicited for two three-year-contract faculty positions at the rank ofAssistant Professor or Associate Professorthat begin in the spring semester of 2015. Both positions are renewable.2/2 teaching load(undergraduate and graduate).Ph.D. required.Language:English. Applicants are expected to offer courses in one or two of the following fields: Analytical Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and History of Philosophy, and to publish research articles during the 3-year period. The salary for assistant professorship and associate professorship is 150,000RMB and 180,000 RMBs respectively. Salary level is negotiable based upon the candidate’s experience and academic record. Moving expenses provided as well.

Applications must include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, evidence of teaching ability (e.g. syllabi, student evaluations), and at least two recommendation letters. Applications will be received until the positions are filled. Electronic applications are preferred, and may be sent toyanyan1221@whu.edu.cnorchangchi_hao@whu.edu.cnwith “Job Application” in the subject line. Skype interviews will be conducted.

The School of Philosophy at Wuhan University is comprised of the Department of Philosophy, the Department of Religious Studies, the Department of Psychology, and the College of Chinese Classics. The Philosophy Department is one of the most influential philosophical institutions in China, and has been generally ranked among the top 4 philosophy departments in the mainland China. It has a long distinguished record since the establishment in 1922, and currently it has 45 faculty members whose research and teaching fields include almost all the major areas in philosophy.
